Property Management Services Minimize

The primary focus of Kline Properties is property management. We provide the following services:

  • Collect rents
  • Account rents and other income and all expenses, providing monthly and annual reports to the property owner
  • Prepare vacant unit for new tenancy*
  • Advise on setting rent rates
  • Provide thorough and effective screening of prospective tenants
  • Movein walkthru inspection with new tenant
  • Execute leases
  • Maintenance of dwellings during tenancy*
  • Moveout inspection and preparation of costs to make the unit ready again, charging this to previous tenant's account as appropriate
  • Effect evictions when necessary*
  • Advise on setting rent rates
  • Ensure compliance with local regulations including health department, zoning, landlord/tenant laws, smoke alarms, etc.
  • Help ensure minimization of liabilities
  • Provide an Owner Portal where you can log in and see your account activity including who has and has not paid, checks issued to you, maintenance activities, etc.

*Items indicated are at extra cost above the PM fees.

Fees Minimize

Our basic fees for property management are as follows:

  • Recurring fees
    • Monthly management fee is 10% for rents above $600 per month and 12% for rents $600 and lower.
  • Nonrecurring fees
    • Fill vacancy fee is $750.
    • Attending court or otherwise going to a government agency for special reason $75 per hour, 1 hour min
    • Screening a tenant $0
    • Setup fee is $0
    • Early termination fee is $0
    • Renewing an existing lease $25

Thanks so much for the thorough analysis. I really appreciate it. I will let you know what I decide within the next day or so.
Property Investor
Wynnewood, PA
Maintenance Minimize

Maintenance costs are not covered by the management fees.  You are not required to use our maintenance services.  When a tenant calls us about a maintenance issue we create a Service Ticket.  Then we can give that service ticket to our maintenance department, send it to the property owner, or send it to the property owner's designated service contractor. 

Our maintenance service trip charge is $55 within Marion County and $65 to immediately surrounding counties. 

Costs to Evict Minimize

There is a flat rate of $375 to process an eviction in Marion County. In counties outside of Marion the cost is $525. This is for uncontested evictions. About 90% of evictions are uncontested. Evictions include the following:

  • Attorney fees - We use a law firm that specializes in landlord tenant law.
  • Court costs
  • Court appearance by KP staff member
  • Two hearing - the hearing for possession and the supplemental hearing for a damages judgment
  • Our attorneys follow up with collections efforts for a contingency fee
  • Evictions typically take 1 month from the time of filing to the date of possession. This can vary depending on the court and the judge's decision.


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